UK Naturalisation Visa


If you are at least 18 years old and have been granted indefinite leave to remain or have acquired a right of permanent residence in the UK, you may be eligible to apply for British Citizenship by Naturalisation.


Ah, the coveted British citizenship! You can now finally queue up for hours at the post office to get your very own British passport! But before that, you'll need to go through the process of British Naturalisation. Don't worry, it's not as complicated as trying to figure out the difference between tea and dinner. Once you've got your citizenship, you can finally join in the great British pastime of complaining about the weather while enjoying a nice cup of tea. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility, so don't forget to vote and be a productive member of society.

Health and character requirements are met
You have sufficient knowledge of life in the UK
You have sufficient knowledge of the English Language
You intend to make the UK your permanent home

UK Naturalisation Visa

Requirement of Naturalisation Visa

  • Be over 18.
  • Prove you were in the UK exactly 5 years before the day the Home Office receives your application.
  • Prove your knowledge of English, Welsh or Scottish Gaelic.
  • Have passed the life in the UK test.
  • Intend to continue living in the UK.
  • Be of good character - read the naturalisation guidance.

Can I apply for British citizenship straight after ILR?

The eligibility criteria for British Citizenship by Naturalisation can vary depending on your circumstances. If you are married to a British citizen, you can apply as soon as you have been granted Indefinite Leave to Remain, provided that you meet all the other requirements. However, if you are not married to a British citizen, you must have been free of immigration time restrictions for at least 12 months before submitting your application. This means that you will be eligible to apply for British Citizenship by Naturalisation 12 months after being granted ILR. It is important to note that you must also prove your knowledge of English, Welsh, or Scottish Gaelic, have passed the Life in the UK test, intend to continue living in the UK, and be of good character to apply for British Citizenship by Naturalisation.

How many days can I stay outside the UK For British Citizenship?

To be eligible for UK Citizenship, there are certain requirements you must meet. One of them is the residency requirement, which means you should not have spent more than 90 days outside the UK during the 12-month period before your application. Additionally, if you are not married to a British citizen, you must not have been absent from the UK for more than 450 days during the last five years. However, if you are married to a British citizen, you must not have been outside the UK for more than 270 days in the last three years. Meeting these residency requirements is essential to be granted British citizenship.

What is the good character requirement for British Citizenship

The British Nationality Act 1981 has a requirement for anyone wishing to naturalise as a British Citizen to be of 'good character'. The Act, however, does not define what 'good character' means. The Home Office has provided guidance on how this requirement will be assessed. The guidance includes a non-exhaustive list of factors that could result in an applicant being deemed not of 'good character'. These factors include criminal activity, involvement in terrorism, financial instability, negative public notoriety, deception or dishonesty, and immigration-related issues.

Would you like to find out more or check if you are eligible? If yes, please use the APPLY NOW to check your eligibility.

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