Uk Indefinite Leave to Remain Visa


The ILR visa is also known as 'settlement', and it allows the holder to stay in the UK for an indefinite period, without any restrictions on work, study or living. It also allows the holder to apply for British citizenship, provided they meet the eligibility criteria. Once you have ILR status, you will have the right to apply for benefits if you are eligible.


Indefinite Leave to Remain, also known as the elusive "Permanent Residence" - the unicorn of the visa world! Once you've obtained ILR, you can finally breathe a sigh of relief knowing that you can stay in the UK without fear of your visa running out. You'll be free to work, study, and even claim benefits if you're eligible (but let's be honest, who wants to deal with the hassle of the benefits system?).

But wait, there's more! ILR isn't just a ticket to stay in the UK indefinitely - it's also a key that unlocks the door to British citizenship. After you've spent at least 12 months in the UK with ILR, you can apply to become a British citizen and finally join the ranks of those who love nothing more than queueing and complaining about the weather. So, if you're looking for a way to settle in the UK permanently and finally achieve your dream of calling yourself a Brit, ILR is the way to go!

Spouse visa / Unmarried partner visa (after 2 years for visas issued prior to 9 July 2012)
Tier 1 visa / UK work permit (after 5 years)
UK ancestry visa (after 5 years)
EU nationals and dependents (after 5 years)

UK Indefinite Leave to Remain Visa

Requirement for the ILR Visa

  • A passport or other valid travel document: You must have a valid passport or travel document to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain.
  • Information which details periods of absence: You will need to provide details of your absences from the UK during the qualifying period for Indefinite Leave to Remain.
  • Proof of English language ability (if applicable): If you are required to prove your English language ability, you will need to provide a certificate from an approved English language test.
  • Life in the UK test information: You will need to provide evidence that you have passed the Life in the UK test, which assesses your knowledge of British traditions, customs, and history.
  • A Biometric Residence Permit (if one has been issued to you): If you have been issued a Biometric Residence Permit, you will need to provide it as evidence of your current immigration status.
  • Accommodation information: You will need to provide details of your accommodation, including the address, the names of the occupants, and proof of ownership or tenancy.

A Valid Passport

When applying for Indefinite Leave to Remain, it is essential to submit an in-date, valid passport as proof of your identity and nationality. In addition, if you entered the UK using a different passport, you will need to provide evidence of your entry clearance or visa in that passport. It's also necessary to include any other passports you have used during your stay in the UK, even if they are now expired.

Biometric Residence Permits

A Biometric Residence Permit is an identification document that many people with leave to remain in the UK have to obtain. It requires providing biometric information and is typically issued to those staying in the UK for more than six months. You will need to provide your Biometric Residence Permit when you apply for ILR.

Accommodation and Financial Information

Proof of ownership or mortgage details are required if you own the property or it is owned by you and/or your partner. This could be provided in the form of title deeds or a letter from your mortgage provider.

Would you like to find out more or check if you are eligible? If yes, please use the APPLY NOW to check your eligibility.

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